A little light reading:

take note of the part halfway down:

  • "Property rights are not absolute and unchanging, but rather a complex, dynamic and shifting relationship between two or more parties, over space and time." The legal approach to this UN view of property rights is discussed in Section (pages 786-787):
But that is only the tip of the iceberg.  Be sure to read the whole thing.
"...the federal government is actively funding stakeholder councils throughout the country to begin the process of creating "sustainable communities" as envisioned in Agenda 21. Sustainable communities are essential to the concept of land use and resource management envisioned by the Global Biodiversity Assessment, and required by the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Ultimately, if the UN plan is realized, at least half of the land area of North America will be converted to wilderness, off limits to human beings.

An additional 25% will be controlled by government in collaboration with "civil society" in which individuals will have to prove that a proposed use will not harm biodiversity.

Humans are to be relocated into "sustainable communities" that are described as "islands of human habitat" surrounded by natural areas. It is now clear that the UN's land use policies, though refined over time, have had a predetermined objective from the very beginning. That objective -- as bizarre as it may sound -- is to place all land and natural resources under the ultimate authority of the UN. "

"Virtually every activity, conference, and action plan devised by the UN since the early 1970s has been aiming toward the ultimate objective of eventual global governance founded upon the principles of collectivism, central planning, and omnipotent enforcement, disguised by the language of equity, social justice, and environmental protection."
Also see:
-Scott Shock